Category: Uncategorized

  • EMDR Therapy Goes Hi Tech with EMDR Light Bar and Virtual Versions

    The credit for developing EMDR goes to Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s which is now utilized by hundreds of thousands of clinicians around the world to help treat PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), anxiety, and other mental health issues. People who experience trauma often experience symptoms such as intense dreams (and nightmares), flashbacks, anxiety-induced…

  • EMDR Training facilities widening fast as remote and virtual platforms expand

    EMDR therapy, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, has become a great solace for trauma-hit patients to get back to a normal life. This has led to the requirement of more EMDR therapy practitioners, facilities for training and certifying, and space for intern opportunities to mold them into skilled professionals. This has given a leg…

  • Benefits of Virtual Training Platforms

    Do you want to make your identity appealing from all perspective so that could easily get recognized professionally? If so, virtual training platform can help you identify the capabilities of your current workforceand focus on developing essential skills through modern programs on their virtual training software that caters to various industries and fields. Presently, most…

  • EMDR Virtual Therapies Offering wider Choice for Trauma Victims

    EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, was developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro. Doctors have since used EMDR to relieve the psychological pain of trauma victims. EMDR helps the patient’s brain process and release traumatic memories through monitored eye movements. Innovations over the past two decades have led to this new breakthrough in the…

  • EMDR Remote Upbeat on Growth Outlook; Market Opportunity Jumps with Better Training

    Online EMDR therapy has established itself firmly in the healthcare market as a point of relief for trauma victims to rebuild their lives, and the solutions have augmented the acceptance rate thanks to familiarization of protocols and tools via the EMDR training platform. EMDR Remote is one of the established online EMDR solutions providers with its…

  • EMDR Therapy in Video and Remote Formats Helping PTSD Clients

    The discovery of EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) has been a big milestone in helping trauma survivors. As more research comes about EMDR and the more positive results we are seeing from EMDR therapy, the more clients are signing up to get the help they deserve. Prior to the COVID pandemic, the only…

  • EMDR Therapy in Video and Remote Formats Helping Distressed Patients

    The discovery of EMDR therapy or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing has been a big milestone in medical science helping chronic patients to get over trauma and restoring brain processes to near normalcy. Else, the deranged patients will be in complete disarray, unrest, and anxiety with traumatic memories getting released repeatedly showing convulsions in body.…

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